Organization Aims to Set up Stem Cell Research Facilities Across Entire U.S.

Members of the Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR), held a webinar this month, featuring one of the lead scientists in stem cell research and the organization’s Co-Founder Dr. Anand Srivastava, as part of an ongoing effort to spread the words about GIOSTAR’s Pixel for Cure campaign aimed at setting up 50 non-profit stem cell centres across the country. Potential donors are being asked for $3 or more monthly to fund the effort, in exchange for one pixel, and are also offering products like T-shirts and cell phone cases for various amounts. Members said they are excited to share the news about what they are doing around the world, and more locally, here in Los Angeles especially in the Black community.

“I have fought my entire career to develop cures for those that cannot be cured.” Dr. Srivastava said in a statement released to the Sentinel.

“You no longer need to suffer from debilitating diseases.  But it is no longer my fight.  It is now our fight.  It is now our fight to help those that cannot be helped.  To help cure those that cannot be cured.   Pixel for Cure and our non-profit treatment centres in local community’s nationwide aim to solve this issue.  Together we can heal those that need us the most.  Together we are stronger and soon, together, we will be happier and healthier.”

“GIOSTARS’s vision is to provide human stem-cell based therapy to aid all those around the world who are suffering from various types of degenerative and genetic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism, diabetes, heart and blood related diseases, strokes, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and more,” said medical experts who are part of the organization’s leadership.

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